stellar_sdk.xdr.transaction_result_code 源代码

# This is an automatically generated file.
# DO NOT EDIT or your changes may be overwritten
from __future__ import annotations

import base64
from enum import IntEnum

from xdrlib3 import Packer, Unpacker

__all__ = ["TransactionResultCode"]

[文档] class TransactionResultCode(IntEnum): """ XDR Source Code:: enum TransactionResultCode { txFEE_BUMP_INNER_SUCCESS = 1, // fee bump inner transaction succeeded txSUCCESS = 0, // all operations succeeded txFAILED = -1, // one of the operations failed (none were applied) txTOO_EARLY = -2, // ledger closeTime before minTime txTOO_LATE = -3, // ledger closeTime after maxTime txMISSING_OPERATION = -4, // no operation was specified txBAD_SEQ = -5, // sequence number does not match source account txBAD_AUTH = -6, // too few valid signatures / wrong network txINSUFFICIENT_BALANCE = -7, // fee would bring account below reserve txNO_ACCOUNT = -8, // source account not found txINSUFFICIENT_FEE = -9, // fee is too small txBAD_AUTH_EXTRA = -10, // unused signatures attached to transaction txINTERNAL_ERROR = -11, // an unknown error occurred txNOT_SUPPORTED = -12, // transaction type not supported txFEE_BUMP_INNER_FAILED = -13, // fee bump inner transaction failed txBAD_SPONSORSHIP = -14, // sponsorship not confirmed txBAD_MIN_SEQ_AGE_OR_GAP = -15, // minSeqAge or minSeqLedgerGap conditions not met txMALFORMED = -16, // precondition is invalid txSOROBAN_INVALID = -17 // soroban-specific preconditions were not met }; """ txFEE_BUMP_INNER_SUCCESS = 1 txSUCCESS = 0 txFAILED = -1 txTOO_EARLY = -2 txTOO_LATE = -3 txMISSING_OPERATION = -4 txBAD_SEQ = -5 txBAD_AUTH = -6 txINSUFFICIENT_BALANCE = -7 txNO_ACCOUNT = -8 txINSUFFICIENT_FEE = -9 txBAD_AUTH_EXTRA = -10 txINTERNAL_ERROR = -11 txNOT_SUPPORTED = -12 txFEE_BUMP_INNER_FAILED = -13 txBAD_SPONSORSHIP = -14 txBAD_MIN_SEQ_AGE_OR_GAP = -15 txMALFORMED = -16 txSOROBAN_INVALID = -17 def pack(self, packer: Packer) -> None: packer.pack_int(self.value) @classmethod def unpack(cls, unpacker: Unpacker) -> TransactionResultCode: value = unpacker.unpack_int() return cls(value) def to_xdr_bytes(self) -> bytes: packer = Packer() self.pack(packer) return packer.get_buffer() @classmethod def from_xdr_bytes(cls, xdr: bytes) -> TransactionResultCode: unpacker = Unpacker(xdr) return cls.unpack(unpacker) def to_xdr(self) -> str: xdr_bytes = self.to_xdr_bytes() return base64.b64encode(xdr_bytes).decode() @classmethod def from_xdr(cls, xdr: str) -> TransactionResultCode: xdr_bytes = base64.b64decode(xdr.encode()) return cls.from_xdr_bytes(xdr_bytes)