stellar_sdk.xdr.revoke_sponsorship_result_code 源代码

# This is an automatically generated file.
# DO NOT EDIT or your changes may be overwritten
from __future__ import annotations

import base64
from enum import IntEnum

from xdrlib3 import Packer, Unpacker

__all__ = ["RevokeSponsorshipResultCode"]

[文档] class RevokeSponsorshipResultCode(IntEnum): """ XDR Source Code:: enum RevokeSponsorshipResultCode { // codes considered as "success" for the operation REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_SUCCESS = 0, // codes considered as "failure" for the operation REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_DOES_NOT_EXIST = -1, REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_NOT_SPONSOR = -2, REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_LOW_RESERVE = -3, REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_ONLY_TRANSFERABLE = -4, REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_MALFORMED = -5 }; """ REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_SUCCESS = 0 REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_DOES_NOT_EXIST = -1 REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_NOT_SPONSOR = -2 REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_LOW_RESERVE = -3 REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_ONLY_TRANSFERABLE = -4 REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_MALFORMED = -5 def pack(self, packer: Packer) -> None: packer.pack_int(self.value) @classmethod def unpack(cls, unpacker: Unpacker) -> RevokeSponsorshipResultCode: value = unpacker.unpack_int() return cls(value) def to_xdr_bytes(self) -> bytes: packer = Packer() self.pack(packer) return packer.get_buffer() @classmethod def from_xdr_bytes(cls, xdr: bytes) -> RevokeSponsorshipResultCode: unpacker = Unpacker(xdr) return cls.unpack(unpacker) def to_xdr(self) -> str: xdr_bytes = self.to_xdr_bytes() return base64.b64encode(xdr_bytes).decode() @classmethod def from_xdr(cls, xdr: str) -> RevokeSponsorshipResultCode: xdr_bytes = base64.b64decode(xdr.encode()) return cls.from_xdr_bytes(xdr_bytes)