stellar_sdk.auth 源代码

import copy
import random
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

from . import scval
from . import xdr as stellar_xdr
from .address import Address
from .exceptions import BadSignatureError
from .keypair import Keypair
from .network import Network
from .utils import sha256

__all__ = ["authorize_entry", "authorize_invocation"]

[文档] def authorize_entry( entry: Union[stellar_xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry, str], signer: Union[Keypair, Callable[[stellar_xdr.HashIDPreimage], bytes]], valid_until_ledger_sequence: int, network_passphrase: str, ) -> stellar_xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry: """Actually authorizes an existing authorization entry using the given the credentials and expiration details, returning a signed copy. This "fills out" the authorization entry with a signature, indicating to the :class:`stellar_sdk.InvokeHostFunction` it's attached to that: * a particular identity (i.e. signing :class:`stellar_sdk.Keypair` or other signer) * approving the execution of an invocation tree (i.e. a simulation-acquired :class:`stellar_xdr.SorobanAuthorizedInvocation` or otherwise built) * on a particular network (uniquely identified by its passphrase, see :class:`stellar_sdk.Network`) * until a particular ledger sequence is reached. :param entry: an unsigned Soroban authorization entry. :param signer: either a :class:`Keypair` or a function which takes a payload (a :class:`stellar_xdr.HashIDPreimage` instance) input and returns a bytes signature, the signing key should correspond to the address in the `entry`. :param valid_until_ledger_sequence: the (exclusive) future ledger sequence number until which this authorization entry should be valid (if `currentLedgerSeq==validUntil`, this is expired) :param network_passphrase: the network passphrase is incorporated into the signature (see :class:`stellar_sdk.Network` for options) :return: a signed Soroban authorization entry. """ if isinstance(entry, str): entry = stellar_xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry.from_xdr(entry) else: entry = copy.deepcopy(entry) if ( entry.credentials.type != stellar_xdr.SorobanCredentialsType.SOROBAN_CREDENTIALS_ADDRESS ): return entry assert entry.credentials.address is not None addr_auth = entry.credentials.address addr_auth.signature_expiration_ledger = stellar_xdr.Uint32( valid_until_ledger_sequence ) network_id = Network(network_passphrase).network_id() preimage = stellar_xdr.HashIDPreimage( type=stellar_xdr.EnvelopeType.ENVELOPE_TYPE_SOROBAN_AUTHORIZATION, soroban_authorization=stellar_xdr.HashIDPreimageSorobanAuthorization( network_id=stellar_xdr.Hash(network_id), nonce=addr_auth.nonce, signature_expiration_ledger=addr_auth.signature_expiration_ledger, invocation=entry.root_invocation, ), ) payload = sha256(preimage.to_xdr_bytes()) if isinstance(signer, Keypair): signature = signer.sign(payload) else: signature = signer(preimage) public_key = Address.from_xdr_sc_address(addr_auth.address).key try: Keypair.from_raw_ed25519_public_key(public_key).verify(payload, signature) except BadSignatureError as e: raise ValueError("signature doesn't match payload.") from e # This structure is defined here: # addr_auth.signature = scval.to_vec( [ scval.to_map( { scval.to_symbol("public_key"): scval.to_bytes(public_key), scval.to_symbol("signature"): scval.to_bytes(signature), } ) ] ) return entry
[文档] def authorize_invocation( signer: Union[Keypair, Callable[[stellar_xdr.HashIDPreimage], bytes]], public_key: Optional[str], valid_until_ledger_sequence: int, invocation: stellar_xdr.SorobanAuthorizedInvocation, network_passphrase: str, ): """This builds an entry from scratch, allowing you to express authorization as a function of: * a particular identity (i.e. signing :class:`stellar_sdk.Keypair` or other signer) * approving the execution of an invocation tree (i.e. a simulation-acquired :class:`stellar_xdr.SorobanAuthorizedInvocation` or otherwise built) * on a particular network (uniquely identified by its passphrase, see :class:`stellar_sdk.Network`) * until a particular ledger sequence is reached. This is in contrast to :func:`authorize_entry`, which signs an existing entry "in place". :param signer: either a :class:`Keypair` or a function which takes a payload (a :class:`stellar_xdr.HashIDPreimage` instance) input and returns a bytes signature, the signing key should correspond to the address in the `entry`. :param public_key: the public identity of the signer (when providing a :class:`Keypair` to `signer`, this can be omitted, as it just uses the public key of the keypair) :param valid_until_ledger_sequence: the (exclusive) future ledger sequence number until which this authorization entry should be valid (if `currentLedgerSeq==validUntil`, this is expired) :param invocation: invocation the invocation tree that we're authorizing (likely, this comes from transaction simulation) :param network_passphrase: the network passphrase is incorporated into the signature (see :class:`stellar_sdk.Network` for options) :return: a signed Soroban authorization entry. """ nonce = random.randint(-(2**63), 2**63 - 1) pk = public_key if not pk and isinstance(signer, Keypair): pk = signer.public_key if not pk: raise ValueError("`public_key` parameter is required.") entry = stellar_xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry( root_invocation=invocation, credentials=stellar_xdr.SorobanCredentials( type=stellar_xdr.SorobanCredentialsType.SOROBAN_CREDENTIALS_ADDRESS, address=stellar_xdr.SorobanAddressCredentials( address=Address(pk).to_xdr_sc_address(), nonce=stellar_xdr.Int64(nonce), signature_expiration_ledger=stellar_xdr.Uint32(0), signature=stellar_xdr.SCVal(type=stellar_xdr.SCValType.SCV_VOID), ), ), ) return authorize_entry( entry, signer, valid_until_ledger_sequence, network_passphrase )