stellar_sdk.address 源代码

import binascii
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Union

from . import xdr as stellar_xdr
from .strkey import StrKey
from .xdr import Hash

__all__ = ["Address"]

[文档] class AddressType(IntEnum): """Represents an Address type.""" ACCOUNT = 0 """An account address, address looks like ``GBJCHUKZMTFSLOMNC7P4TS4VJJBTCYL3XKSOLXAUJSD56C4LHND5TWUC``.""" CONTRACT = 1 """An contract address, address looks like ``CCJZ5DGASBWQXR5MPFCJXMBI333XE5U3FSJTNQU7RIKE3P5GN2K2WYD5``."""
[文档] class Address: """Represents a single address in the Stellar network. An address can represent an account or a contract. :param address: ID of the account or contract. (ex. ``GBJCHUKZMTFSLOMNC7P4TS4VJJBTCYL3XKSOLXAUJSD56C4LHND5TWUC`` or ``CA7QYNF7SOWQ3GLR2BGMZEHXAVIRZA4KVWLTJJFC7MGXUA74P7UJUWDA``) """ def __init__(self, address: str): if StrKey.is_valid_ed25519_public_key(address): self.type = AddressType.ACCOUNT self.key = StrKey.decode_ed25519_public_key(address) elif StrKey.is_valid_contract(address): self.type = AddressType.CONTRACT self.key = StrKey.decode_contract(address) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported address type.") @property def address(self) -> str: """Returns the encoded address. :return: The encoded address. """ if self.type == AddressType.ACCOUNT: return StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key(self.key) elif self.type == AddressType.CONTRACT: return StrKey.encode_contract(self.key) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported address type.")
[文档] @staticmethod def from_raw_account(account: Union[bytes, str]) -> "Address": """Creates a new account Address object from raw bytes. :param account: The raw bytes of the account. :return: A new Address object. """ if isinstance(account, str): account = binascii.unhexlify(account) return Address(StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key(account))
[文档] @staticmethod def from_raw_contract(contract: Union[bytes, str]) -> "Address": """Creates a new contract Address object from a buffer of raw bytes. :param contract: The raw bytes of the contract. :return: A new Address object. """ if isinstance(contract, str): contract = binascii.unhexlify(contract) return Address(StrKey.encode_contract(contract))
[文档] def to_xdr_sc_address(self) -> stellar_xdr.SCAddress: """Converts the Address object to a :class:`stellar_sdk.xdr.SCAddress` XDR object. :return: A :class:`stellar_sdk.xdr.SCAddress` XDR object. """ if self.type == AddressType.ACCOUNT: account = stellar_xdr.AccountID( stellar_xdr.PublicKey( stellar_xdr.PublicKeyType.PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_ED25519, stellar_xdr.Uint256(self.key), ) ) return stellar_xdr.SCAddress( stellar_xdr.SCAddressType.SC_ADDRESS_TYPE_ACCOUNT, account_id=account ) elif self.type == AddressType.CONTRACT: contract = Hash(self.key) return stellar_xdr.SCAddress( stellar_xdr.SCAddressType.SC_ADDRESS_TYPE_CONTRACT, contract_id=contract ) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported address type.")
[文档] @classmethod def from_xdr_sc_address(cls, sc_address: stellar_xdr.SCAddress) -> "Address": """Creates a new Address object from a :class:`stellar_sdk.xdr.SCAddress` XDR object. :param sc_address: The :class:`stellar_sdk.xdr.SCAddress` XDR object. :return: A new Address object. """ if sc_address.type == stellar_xdr.SCAddressType.SC_ADDRESS_TYPE_ACCOUNT: assert sc_address.account_id is not None assert sc_address.account_id.account_id.ed25519 is not None return cls.from_raw_account( sc_address.account_id.account_id.ed25519.uint256 ) elif sc_address.type == stellar_xdr.SCAddressType.SC_ADDRESS_TYPE_CONTRACT: assert sc_address.contract_id is not None return cls.from_raw_contract(sc_address.contract_id.hash) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported address type.")
def to_xdr_sc_val(self) -> stellar_xdr.SCVal: return stellar_xdr.SCVal( stellar_xdr.SCValType.SCV_ADDRESS, address=self.to_xdr_sc_address() ) @classmethod def from_xdr_sc_val(cls, sc_val: stellar_xdr.SCVal) -> "Address": if sc_val.type != stellar_xdr.SCValType.SCV_ADDRESS: raise ValueError("Unsupported SCVal type.") assert sc_val.address is not None return cls.from_xdr_sc_address(sc_val.address) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.key, self.type)) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return self.key == other.key and self.type == other.type def __str__(self): return f"<Address [type={}, address={self.address}]>"