stellar_sdk.operation.revoke_sponsorship 源代码

import base64
import binascii
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Optional

from .operation import Operation
from ..asset import Asset
from ..keypair import Keypair
from ..signer_key import SignerKey
from ..strkey import StrKey
from ..xdr import Xdr
from ..exceptions import ValueError
from .utils import check_ed25519_public_key
from ..xdr.StellarXDR_type import ClaimableBalanceID

[文档]class RevokeSponsorshipType(IntEnum): """Currently supported RevokeSponsorship types. """ ACCOUNT = 0 TRUSTLINE = 1 OFFER = 2 DATA = 3 CLAIMABLE_BALANCE = 4 SIGNER = 5
[文档]class TrustLine: def __init__(self, account_id: str, asset: Asset) -> None: check_ed25519_public_key(account_id) self.account_id = account_id self.asset = asset
[文档]class Offer: def __init__(self, seller_id: str, offer_id: int) -> None: check_ed25519_public_key(seller_id) self.seller_id = seller_id self.offer_id = offer_id
[文档]class Data: def __init__(self, account_id: str, data_name: str) -> None: check_ed25519_public_key(account_id) self.account_id = account_id self.data_name = data_name
[文档]class Signer: def __init__(self, account_id: str, signer_key: SignerKey) -> None: check_ed25519_public_key(account_id) self.account_id = account_id self.signer_key = signer_key
[文档]class RevokeSponsorship(Operation): """The :class:`RevokeSponsorship` object, which represents a RevokeSponsorship operation on Stellar's network. The logic of this operation depends on the state of the source account. If the source account is not sponsored or is sponsored by the owner of the specified entry or sub-entry, then attempt to revoke the sponsorship. If the source account is sponsored, the next step depends on whether the entry is sponsored or not. If it is sponsored, attempt to transfer the sponsorship to the sponsor of the source account. If the entry is not sponsored, then establish the sponsorship. See `Sponsored Reserves <>_` for more information. See `Revoke Sponsorship <>_`. Threshold: Medium :param revoke_sponsorship_type: The sponsored account id. :param account_id: The sponsored account ID. :param trustline: The sponsored trustline. :param offer: The sponsored offer. :param data: The sponsored data. :param claimable_balance_id: The sponsored claimable balance. :param signer: The sponsored signer. :param source: The source account (defaults to transaction source). """ def __init__( self, revoke_sponsorship_type: RevokeSponsorshipType, account_id: Optional[str], trustline: Optional[TrustLine], offer: Optional[Offer], data: Optional[Data], claimable_balance_id: Optional[str], signer: Optional[Signer], source: str = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(source) self.revoke_sponsorship_type = revoke_sponsorship_type self.account_id = account_id self.trustline = trustline self.offer = offer = data self.claimable_balance_id = claimable_balance_id self.signer = signer @classmethod def type_code(cls) -> int: return Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP @classmethod def revoke_account_sponsorship(cls, account_id: str, source: str = None): """Create a "revoke sponsorship" operation for an account. :param account_id: The sponsored account ID. :param source: The source account (defaults to transaction source). :return: A "revoke sponsorship" operation for an account. """ return cls( revoke_sponsorship_type=RevokeSponsorshipType.ACCOUNT, account_id=account_id, trustline=None, offer=None, data=None, claimable_balance_id=None, signer=None, source=source, ) @classmethod def revoke_trustline_sponsorship( cls, account_id: str, asset: Asset, source: str = None ): """Create a "revoke sponsorship" operation for a trustline. :param account_id: The account ID which owns the trustline. :param asset: The asset in the trustline. :param source: The source account (defaults to transaction source). :return: A "revoke sponsorship" operation for a trustline. """ trustline = TrustLine(account_id=account_id, asset=asset) return cls( revoke_sponsorship_type=RevokeSponsorshipType.TRUSTLINE, account_id=None, trustline=trustline, offer=None, data=None, claimable_balance_id=None, signer=None, source=source, ) @classmethod def revoke_offer_sponsorship( cls, seller_id: str, offer_id: int, source: str = None ): """Create a "revoke sponsorship" operation for an offer. :param seller_id: The account ID which created the offer. :param offer_id: The offer ID. :param source: The source account (defaults to transaction source). :return: A "revoke sponsorship" operation for an offer. """ offer = Offer(seller_id=seller_id, offer_id=offer_id) return cls( revoke_sponsorship_type=RevokeSponsorshipType.OFFER, account_id=None, trustline=None, offer=offer, data=None, claimable_balance_id=None, signer=None, source=source, ) @classmethod def revoke_data_sponsorship( cls, account_id: str, data_name: str, source: str = None ): """Create a "revoke sponsorship" operation for a data entry. :param account_id: The account ID which owns the data entry. :param data_name: The name of the data entry :param source: The source account (defaults to transaction source). :return: A "revoke sponsorship" operation for a data entry. """ data = Data(account_id=account_id, data_name=data_name) return cls( revoke_sponsorship_type=RevokeSponsorshipType.DATA, account_id=None, trustline=None, offer=None, data=data, claimable_balance_id=None, signer=None, source=source, ) @classmethod def revoke_claimable_balance_sponsorship( cls, claimable_balance_id: str, source: str = None ): """Create a "revoke sponsorship" operation for a claimable balance. :param claimable_balance_id: The sponsored claimable balance ID. :param source: The source account (defaults to transaction source). :return: A "revoke sponsorship" operation for a claimable balance. """ return cls( revoke_sponsorship_type=RevokeSponsorshipType.CLAIMABLE_BALANCE, account_id=None, trustline=None, offer=None, data=None, claimable_balance_id=claimable_balance_id, signer=None, source=source, ) @classmethod def revoke_signer_sponsorship( cls, account_id: str, signer_key: SignerKey, source: str = None ): """Create a "revoke sponsorship" operation for a signer. :param account_id: The account ID where the signer sponsorship is being removed from. :param signer_key: The signer whose sponsorship is being removed. :param source: The source account (defaults to transaction source). :return: A "revoke sponsorship" operation for a signer. """ signer = Signer(account_id=account_id, signer_key=signer_key) return cls( revoke_sponsorship_type=RevokeSponsorshipType.SIGNER, account_id=None, trustline=None, offer=None, data=None, claimable_balance_id=None, signer=signer, source=source, ) def _to_operation_body(self) -> Xdr.nullclass: body = Xdr.nullclass() body.type = Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP if self.revoke_sponsorship_type == RevokeSponsorshipType.ACCOUNT: ledger_key = Xdr.nullclass() ledger_key.type = Xdr.const.ACCOUNT account = Xdr.nullclass() account.accountID = Keypair.from_public_key( self.account_id ).xdr_account_id() ledger_key.account = account revoke_sponsorship_op = Xdr.nullclass() revoke_sponsorship_op.type = Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_LEDGER_ENTRY revoke_sponsorship_op.ledgerKey = ledger_key body.revokeSponsorshipOp = revoke_sponsorship_op return body elif self.revoke_sponsorship_type == RevokeSponsorshipType.TRUSTLINE: ledger_key = Xdr.nullclass() ledger_key.type = Xdr.const.TRUSTLINE trust_line = Xdr.nullclass() trust_line.accountID = Keypair.from_public_key( self.trustline.account_id ).xdr_account_id() trust_line.asset = self.trustline.asset.to_xdr_object() ledger_key.trustLine = trust_line revoke_sponsorship_op = Xdr.nullclass() revoke_sponsorship_op.type = Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_LEDGER_ENTRY revoke_sponsorship_op.ledgerKey = ledger_key body.revokeSponsorshipOp = revoke_sponsorship_op return body elif self.revoke_sponsorship_type == RevokeSponsorshipType.OFFER: ledger_key = Xdr.nullclass() ledger_key.type = Xdr.const.OFFER offer = Xdr.nullclass() offer.sellerID = Keypair.from_public_key( self.offer.seller_id ).xdr_account_id() offer.offerID = self.offer.offer_id ledger_key.offer = offer revoke_sponsorship_op = Xdr.nullclass() revoke_sponsorship_op.type = Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_LEDGER_ENTRY revoke_sponsorship_op.ledgerKey = ledger_key body.revokeSponsorshipOp = revoke_sponsorship_op return body elif self.revoke_sponsorship_type == RevokeSponsorshipType.DATA: ledger_key = Xdr.nullclass() ledger_key.type = Xdr.const.DATA data = Xdr.nullclass() data.accountID = Keypair.from_public_key( ).xdr_account_id() data.dataName = = data revoke_sponsorship_op = Xdr.nullclass() revoke_sponsorship_op.type = Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_LEDGER_ENTRY revoke_sponsorship_op.ledgerKey = ledger_key body.revokeSponsorshipOp = revoke_sponsorship_op return body elif self.revoke_sponsorship_type == RevokeSponsorshipType.CLAIMABLE_BALANCE: ledger_key = Xdr.nullclass() ledger_key.type = Xdr.const.CLAIMABLE_BALANCE claimable_balance_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(self.claimable_balance_id) claimable_balance = Xdr.nullclass() balance_id = ClaimableBalanceID.from_xdr( base64.b64encode(claimable_balance_bytes) ) claimable_balance.balanceID = balance_id ledger_key.claimableBalance = claimable_balance revoke_sponsorship_op = Xdr.nullclass() revoke_sponsorship_op.type = Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_LEDGER_ENTRY revoke_sponsorship_op.ledgerKey = ledger_key body.revokeSponsorshipOp = revoke_sponsorship_op return body elif self.revoke_sponsorship_type == RevokeSponsorshipType.SIGNER: signer = Xdr.nullclass() signer.accountID = Keypair.from_public_key( self.signer.account_id ).xdr_account_id() signer.signerKey = self.signer.signer_key.to_xdr_object() revoke_sponsorship_op = Xdr.nullclass() revoke_sponsorship_op.type = Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_SIGNER revoke_sponsorship_op.signer = signer body.revokeSponsorshipOp = revoke_sponsorship_op return body else: raise ValueError( f"{self.revoke_sponsorship_type} is not a valid RevokeSponsorshipType." )
[文档] @classmethod def from_xdr_object( cls, operation_xdr_object: Xdr.types.Operation ) -> "RevokeSponsorship": """Creates a :class:`RevokeSponsorship` object from an XDR Operation object. """ source = Operation.get_source_from_xdr_obj(operation_xdr_object) op_type = operation_xdr_object.body.revokeSponsorshipOp.type if op_type == Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_LEDGER_ENTRY: ledger_key = operation_xdr_object.body.revokeSponsorshipOp.ledgerKey ledger_key_type = ledger_key.type if ledger_key_type == Xdr.const.ACCOUNT: account_id = StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key( ledger_key.account.accountID.ed25519 ) op = cls.revoke_account_sponsorship(account_id, source) elif ledger_key_type == Xdr.const.TRUSTLINE: account_id = StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key( ledger_key.trustLine.accountID.ed25519 ) asset = Asset.from_xdr_object(ledger_key.trustLine.asset) op = cls.revoke_trustline_sponsorship(account_id, asset, source) elif ledger_key_type == Xdr.const.OFFER: seller_id = StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key( ledger_key.offer.sellerID.ed25519 ) offer_id = ledger_key.offer.offerID op = cls.revoke_offer_sponsorship(seller_id, offer_id, source) elif ledger_key_type == Xdr.const.DATA: account_id = StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key( ) data_name = op = cls.revoke_data_sponsorship(account_id, data_name, source) elif ledger_key_type == Xdr.const.CLAIMABLE_BALANCE: balance_id = base64.b64decode( ledger_key.claimableBalance.balanceID.to_xdr() ) balance_id = binascii.hexlify(balance_id).decode() op = cls.revoke_claimable_balance_sponsorship(balance_id, source) else: raise ValueError(f"{ledger_key_type} is an unsupported LedgerKey type.") elif op_type == Xdr.const.REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP_SIGNER: account_id = StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key( operation_xdr_object.body.revokeSponsorshipOp.signer.accountID.ed25519 ) signer_key = SignerKey.from_xdr_object( operation_xdr_object.body.revokeSponsorshipOp.signer.signerKey ) op = cls.revoke_signer_sponsorship(account_id, signer_key, source) else: raise ValueError(f"{op_type} is an unsupported RevokeSponsorship type.") op._source_muxed = Operation.get_source_muxed_from_xdr_obj(operation_xdr_object) return op